
These past few months, I've noticed an increasing number of entries to this journal that I've kept private for one reason or another. I am a very opinionated person, and I write to record these opinions and to release any emotions in me, of whatever nature. Sometimes I react to current events in the country or in the world. Sometimes I muse over an idea, principle, or experience. Other times, I write for the sake of art.

Apart from writing, I also use the journal to post images that have caught my eye. I see beauty all around me everyday, and I make use of the internet to share this beauty with everyone around me.

I've felt an increased conflict within me to promote certain posts, and hide others. With that, I have decided to give my online psyche another home. I've created another blog, which shall from today house my uncensored opinions and literary creations of the more artistic nature (which, ironically, was what I originally set out to do here). This one I shall maintain as a photo-centric blog and experiential journal which, I think, necessitates a name change.
Edit (May 9, 2011): Name changed.

So what's that other blog's address? I'm not telling. At least not just yet. I'm still populating it. All in due time.