Nearing the post office, I suddenly realize that I forgot the notification slip that was sent to me (containing some code to help find my parcel). My mind fills with dread as I imagine all the excuses they'll give me for delaying the pickup (it was noon - lunch break), or adding extra charges - hey, this is the government we're talking about. When I actually arrive there and explain the situation to the friendly-faced men at customs, however, my dread quickly vanishes at the exceptional treatment given to me:
First of all, they were actually working during what was supposed to be their lunch break (honestly, when have you ever seen someone from the government work during lunch?).
Secondly, they pored through books upon books of records with me, searching each line intently for my name with nary a complaint.
Third, when I actually remembered that my book was supposed to be picked up at the second floor (they were at the first floor), I heard no grumble as they gently pointed me in the right direction.
Fourth, when I got to the second floor, all the employees up to the mailman level were there (even the mailman that worked my street). They paused their eating for a few minutes to retrieve my book for me. My mailman even knew exactly what I was looking for at the mere mention of the street where I lived.
Lastly, no hints of a tip. Ever. Not the slightest one (although I do plan to leave a bit for the mailman during his annual Christmas envelope).
This has been one of the rare displays of exceptional service shown to me by government employees. In my whole life, I've only been witness to a few dedicated individuals whom I saw truly were passionate about their jobs working for the government - Pisay employees (teachers and staff), and a few of the jail guards over at Las Pinas City Jail being the others. Call me shallow, say that it's expected of them, but things like this really make me feel good.
To the three guys who work at Window 1 (Customs), and the mailman servicing my street, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Not just for the book - that was trivial (and part of your job anyway).
All Saints'
Today was a day for the dead as we trooped to the cemeteries with the rest of the populace to pay our respects to our dearly departed. There were two destinations today - St. James the Great Parish in Alabang to visit my grandmother, and Manila Memorial Park in Paranaque to visit my mother, with a side trip to Cory & Ninoy's tomb.
For those of you under a rock (or in another country) who do not know who they are, Cory and Ninoy Aquino are a couple that had great influence on the recent history of the country. Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino was a Philippine Senator during the time of the Marcos presidency. He was smart, articulate, and popular - well on his way to the presidency, hastened even more by the declining popularity of then President Marcos. Long story short, he got shot at the airport tarmac in 1986. His death led to a revolution and the eventual election of his housewife Cory to the presidency, who served as a symbol of clean governance and high morals for years to come. Cory died just this year, and with her death came the announcement by her son, Senator Ninoy Junior, that he wanted a shot at the presidency, but I digress.
Upon arrival at the tomb, I was pleasantly surprised to see how simple it was. I was half expecting such opulence to mirror the lifestyles of today's senators and other political lifeforms, but all that met my eyes there was a simple tomb, with 2 pillars and a roof. If not for the teeming throngs of loyalists and curious bystanders (as well as 2 TV network trucks and 2 huge spotlights), I would never have guessed it to contain an ex-president and a senator. I was also surprised to see no campaign material for Noynoy, save one small sticker and one yellow ribbon.
An Interesting Turn of Events
My friend's best friend is going to marry a Captain in the Philippine Army. We met the couple along with the wedding planner earlier this afternoon for a quick pre-production, and although I'm more than used to soldiers, it just seemed a bit surreal interacting with the groom and his Malaysian friend (who in turn was a Major in the Malaysian Army) while they were in full uniform. My recent immersion in the exploits of Easy Company during the second World War probably contributed to that.
In other news, a huge congratulations to my 2 buddies Diego and Fonta for getting their shots in Digital Photographer Philippines! They did some great stuff with the DLSU athletes, which has been getting quite a bit of attention lately.
Band of Brothers
As much as I value the relative peace our country comfortably offers, as well as the lives of our countrymen, I find a certain...shall I say glory, or shine to war that inexorably attracts me - beyond the glamorous filter that Hollywood places on what is.
I suppose that should we indeed find ourselves in the unfortunate position of having to defend our motherland from invaders, I would want to volunteer to fight. Ika nga, "Lupang Hinirang, duyan ka ng magiting. Sa manlulupig, di ka pasisiil." Imagine the thrill of taking national interests in your own hands, fighting for every inch to drive out one who would have your land and life. Imagine your elation when you succeed in doing so, the drum beats of "This is the Hour" resounding through your head.
What a day that would be.
Or perhaps I'm just looking for that adrenaline rush.
I found this photo sitting dormant deep in the recesses of my archives. This was taken last June 10, on the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway, at approximately 100 kph.
As part of my work back then, I would travel to and from Subic quite a lot. Now what I've experienced in Subic, Olongapo, and the surrounding towns would fill up a whole new book of tales in itself, but one of the real pleasures I've had in travelling to Subic would be the SCTEX.
One of the newest highways in the Philippines, the SCTEX also happens to be (in my opinion) the most scenic. It has three main exits - Subic, Clark, and Tarlac (hence the name) - and the view sharply changes from one point to the other. Going to Subic from Clark, you're left agape as mountain after mountain looms over you, made even more majestic by the sun's highlights. Head the other direction to Tarlac, and you'll find yourself amidst field after field, with nary a man-made structure in sight.
And once in a while, you'll get that eyeful that will make you want to...well, stick your head out of the driver's window at 100kph with a camera in one hand, and wild abandon in the other.

Cyanide & Happiness @
River Wild
I hope my friends over in the easily flooded areas managed to keep themselves high and dry, though.
This used to be a street in our village. Notice the lamp post being sucked into the vortex of doom.
When I Ruled The World
Although not as cinematographically stunning, I somehow prefer it to the other, actor-focused video. I especially enjoyed how Chris Martin, playing the deposed king in the song, turns and smiles as he sees his bandmates humming together behind him, knowing that as abandoned as he feels, some people still do follow him.
This small segment at the end truly emphasized in me the value of encouragement. At times, even the most determined fighters lose their motivation, their drive to continue the faith. As one who has felt the humiliating sting of falling from grace (as I am sure everyone else has at one point), I know that there is nothing like a kind word of encouragement to lift my spirits and keep me on the straight and narrow, reminding me that that for which I fight is indeed well worth fighting for.
Oh, and eat your heart out, Burger King.
As you take off, the magic begins. For the first moment, you're the star striker of Liverpool with ninety thousand fans shouting you on with fervor, singing that you'll never walk alone.
Suddenly, the tone shifts. You are now a king fallen from grace, speaking about how seas would use to rise when you gave the word but now you sweep the streets you used to own.
As you slowly rise from your laments, darkness suddenly falls. You are atop a tall tower, clad in a jet black robe and a red cape swaying slowly with the nighttime breeze. The princess has the whole town seeking your name, vowing no sleep until it is obtained in her quest to avoid what she perceives to be a lifetime of servitude to you, he who would be her husband by morn. You slowly smile with a confidence unmatched as you command the night to vanish and the stars to retreat, knowing that by dawn your kiss will dissolve the silence that makes her yours.
The trance continues until the end of your journey. You awaken to reality ever so exhausted and gasping for air, yet bearing that twinkle in your eye as the last glimmer of your Terabithia slowly fades away, always ready to return for as long as that imaginative fire still burns bright within you.
I never wanted an iPod, but ever since I purchased one I have never regretted a single moment with it.
*NB: The beautiful photo above is not mine. Apologies, random Flickr user. I promise you I am not making money out of this photo.
Of Sausages and Noodles
After a client meeting which turned out much better than planned, I headed to the Peninsula Manila with Diego for the celebration of their 33rd Anniversary where we were to meet with Fonta, Ina, Lynn, Tin, Cris, and Marie. The Manila Pen, as it is fondly called, marked this auspicious occasion by selling at their original 1976 prices the three menu items which have been present since Day One, namely the Halo-Halo, Pancit Luglug, and Schublig. The 1976 prices being Php33 per dish, it was a no-brainer.
As I foresaw, the line was insufferably long. The estimated 2.5-hour wait left me questioning the worth of the dinner we were about to have. To make matters worse, Ina had class to attend and Lynn had two meetings.
Three Schubligs and 1 Pancit Luglug (and about 2lbs worth of fries) later however, I found myself thinking that everything that happened after that point made the grueling wait outside in the sticky, humid Makati air seem like a mere trifle. I enjoyed the food and ambiance (as evidenced by the 9 hours we spent there), I met new friends, and I had quite the....interesting conversation that night.
I still say, what a way to spend the day.
The Dust of the World
The image of the solitary flag brings about a sudden rush of patriotism for me. My mind wanders through the many times this has happened in the past. I think of all my independence day trips to Luneta. I remember all the highly-charged political discussions I've had with different people. I remember the essay into which I poured my heart and soul for my Jose Rizal class during my third year in college (thanks to one of the most inspiring professors I've known).
As this flash flood of amor patriae slowly ebbs, two thoughts linger. The first is of Elias' dying breaths as he lay by the riverbanks, looking into the bewildered eyes of a boy whose mother and little brother had just died most horrible deaths. He said, "I die without seeing the dawn brighten over my native land! You, who have it to see, welcome it -- and forget not those who have fallen during the night!"
I wonder, will I live to see the Philippines I long to see? Or am I doomed to perpetually bear witness to the evils and cancers that I believe beset our nation?
My second thought is of a line from Jonathan Larson's semi-autobiographic play, Tick, Tick...Boom! At the play's finale, the main character sings
"What does it take to wake up a generation? How can you make someone take off and fly? If we don't wake up and shake up the nation, we'll eat the dust of the world wondering why."
Isn't this already what is happening?
A New Toy
Meet my new sword. It resembles a falchion, but without the handguard. Victims so far are 2 Langka branches and one banana. Also, apart from your usual housework, you can use it:
- To protect yourself in case someone attacks you with an icepick (imagine the look on the guy's face when you suddenly brandish a magnificent blade to counter his puny little toothpick)
- To keep street kids from being super kulit (stroke it and glare, and voila they're gone!)
- In really really vain photoshoots
- To freak everyone else out at the table when carving your steak
- As a really unique fashion statement
Hmmm what else can I do with this? Think, think.
I watched Bruno today. Offend my sensibilities, it did.
edit: It didn't actually offend me, it was just....disgusting. And at times totally hilarious.
"Two down this month, thousands more to go," I muse as a slowly slip into sweet slumber in the homeward-bound bus, lost in the recesses of Ilocos Norte. "Cambodia, Pannzian, where to next?"
I'm jarred into consciousness by my poor seatmate Brian, whose tall frame has doomed him to 12 hours of awkward positions on the small bus seats. I happily keep up my contemplating, an activity which I have taken to quite often in the past few weeks. My mind circles around the events during the past four days.
I think of Adams, the community hidden from the world in the mountains. By the house where we stayed the night, there ran a river who between its turbulent yet widely-spaced rapids had the bluest and most serene waters. I remember sitting on a large solitary rock whose high flat surface afforded me a dry spot. Dragonflies flew about in their multitudes as I spent the better part of the hour in perfect peace.
I think of the falls, whose cool waters and sheer grandness made the one-and-a-half hour hike seem like mere hopscotch. I still hear our delighted screams as we all jumped the cliff down into the pool.
I think of Lover's Peak, where I beheld the sun rise through a thin layer of fog. I imagine how many sweethearts shared their first kiss here, lovingly smiling into the same sun.
I think of all the nights we got together and celebrated life. Ten wonderful people, all unique to the world, all now special to me.
In my last thought as I begin to end another addition to my budding adventure book, the image of two astronauts floating in space comes to the forefront. I quickly shut my eyes and smile to myself, saying
Central Luzon and a Jeepney
Going through some photos from when I was at Unilever, I chanced upon this snapshot of a jeepney amidst the unending photo pile of supermarket shelves. I took this during the one time I went to Mariveles, Bataan. Quite the scenic drive, that was also the only place where I saw goggles and snorkels being sold at the public market!
At times, I find my thoughts turning back to my life in Central Luzon. Although I have never regretted my (fairly) recent life decision, I do miss the beauty and exquisiteness of the group of provinces that served as my home for a good part of a year. From the free feeling of Subic's lack of the usual city chaos to the urbanized mecca of culinary delights that is Pampanga, even to the homey rural atmosphere of Nueva Ecija - I feel like a part of me will always yearn for their familiarity.
Central Luzon, I am not through with you yet. I shall yet return, and paint your beauty for all the world (as it exists on my Facebook and Flickr accounts) to see.
Now for myself, that reason would be that I simply cannot stand being unable to function well. I can't stand not being able to run, not being able to kick a ball, I can't stand getting tired right away. Oh, also:

So with that in mind as I was working in Perk Avenue this afternoon, I decided to get off my ass and start with dispelling the decrepitude. I gave Benj my trusty exercise partner a call, and 3 hours later I feel that familiar endorphin rush, that warm fuzzy feeling of vigor that I've missed, all thanks to Tennis, a dear old friend with whom I've recently started a fling.
Yes, a fling. I've had a thing with her before and in time, I shall return to my true love who is Football. For now, however, Tennis oh Tennis you rule my thoughts.
Solar Eclipse
Aaaand we're back
I've decided to transfer my online journal's home from LJ to blogger, mainly because this is already integrated with Google, whose services I use a LOT. I hope this turns into a habit. Although this is primarily intended to record my daily activities for my own use, feel free to comment.